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You've just made an awesome decision. Not only to reduce GDPR overwhelm but also to join a community of people passionate about making the world better.


  1. Check that you received the confirmation email.
  2. As the portal is on a new domain, emails may end up in spam, so please whitelist my domain (search your email provider's name followed by 'whitelist', like "Microsoft whitelist").
  3. Read through the Welcome post and make a note of sharing your feedback once you've explored the DPO Hub a bit.

Thanks for your trust. Let's make #DPOlife easier for all of usβ€”together!

Our agreement ~ DPO Hub terms

By subscribing to the DPO Hub by NoTies Consulting you promise Rie that you won't share your login details, password or any of the content with someone who isn't a subscriber themselves.

Since your access is personal (non-transferrable) and for non-commercial use only, you also promise that you won't repurpose anything from the DPO Hub. I reserve the right to terminate memberships, in which case the subscription will be fully refunded. Just reach out if you're interested in using my content for your client alerts, newsletter, website/blog or other initiatives. There are no refunds.

πŸ“ If you're a Founding Member and cancel, you'll lose this status. If you resubscribe later, you'll pay the current rate.

And, of course, the DPO Hub is not legal advice.

PS: If we disagree on anything we'll settle that in Norway. Coffee's on me!

Sincerely, Rie

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