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EDPB Guidelines 2/2024 Article 48 (public consultation)
4 min read
New EDPB Guidelines are now open for public consultation (until 25 Jan) on Article 48, which covers official requests from third country public authorities for personal data transfers.
🚨 EDPB shares Art. 48 Guidelines (PC) and new Data Protection Seal certification
1 min read
The EDPB just shared new Guidelines! This time for Article 48 and they're on public consultation until 25 Jan 2025. They also announced a new EU Data Protection Seal certification for 'Brand Compliance'.
ICO approves first sector-owned UK GDPR Code of Conduct for private investigators
1 min read
🇬🇧 ICO: "This code, which investigators in the private sector can sign up to, will provide certainty and reassurance to those using their services [and] assist investigators to navigate the challenges between conducting investigations whilst respecting people’s privacy rights."